Sunday, February 17, 2008

Against Waterboarding

The former special prosecutor for Guantanamo Bay argues the case against waterboarding. Powerful stuff coming from someone who might have been seen as working for the bad guys on this issue. Fortunately, he resigned his commission in 2007 in an effort to fight the legal use of torture. Best quote comes in the lede:

"TWENTY-SEVEN years ago, in the final days of the Iran hostage crisis, the C.I.A.’s Tehran station chief, Tom Ahern, faced his principal interrogator for the last time. The interrogator said the abuse Mr. Ahern had suffered was inconsistent with his own personal values and with the values of Islam and, as if to wipe the slate clean, he offered Mr. Ahern a chance to abuse him just as he had abused the hostages. Mr. Ahern looked the interrogator in the eyes and said, “We don’t do stuff like that.”"

Here's a description of what waterboarding actually is for anyone who's curious.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Amazing quote.